Top 10 Education Next Blog Entries of 2014

UPDATE: Check out our Top 10 Blogs of 2016 here.

Education Next

Everybody loves lists! That’s why we compile our annual list of most popular entries on the Education Next blog. And it’s also what gets some blog entries into our top 10.

The most popular blog entry on our site for 2014 was a list of top twitter feeds in education policy compiled by Mike Petrilli. Also making the top ten was a list of some favorite educational apps for kids recommended by parents who are tech experts. Other top blog entries include new research, debunkings, and think pieces.

Here are the top 10 blog entries of 2014:

1. The Top Twitter Feeds in Education Policy 2014
By Michael J. Petrilli
2. Sweden and School Choice
By Andrew Coulson
3. What Do We Know About Professional Development?
By Tom Loveless
4. Our Favorite Educational Apps
By Education Next
5. Lies, Damned Lies, and the Common Core
By Michael J. Petrilli
6. The Connection between Choice and Humility
By Neerav Kingsland
7. What Koreans Wish Obama Understood About Their Schools
By Michael B. Horn
8. The First Hard Evidence on Virtual Education
By Martin R. West
9. “Kid, I’m Sorry, but You’re Just Not College Material”
By Michael J. Petrilli
10. Is TFA to Blame for the Rise in Teacher Attrition?
By Chad Aldeman

Congratulations bloggers!

—Education Next

P.S. Last year’s list of top blog entries can be found here.

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