While there is disagreement over whether the Common Core standards are improving student performance, most states that adopted the standards are still using them, notes Maria Danilova in an AP story that ran in the Washington Post.
Of the states that opted in after the standards were introduced in 2010 — 45 plus the District of Columbia — only eight have moved to repeal the standards, largely due to political pressure from those who saw Common Core as infringing on local control, according to Abt Associates, a research and consulting firm.
Danilova points out that:
A national survey by Education Next, a journal published by Harvard’s Kennedy School and Stanford University, found that support for nationwide academic standards rose over the past two years, as long as the name common core was not used.
A discussion of the results of that national survey can be found in the new issue of Education Next: “The 2017 EdNext Poll on School Reform,” by Martin R. West, Michael B. Henderson, Paul E. Peterson and Samuel Barrows.
— Education Next