EdStat: 54% of Public School Teachers are Opposed to Agency Fees

A month ago we and our colleagues at the Program on Education Policy and Governance in the Harvard Kennedy School asked a nationally representative cross-section of 2,230 Americans the following question: “In some states, all teachers must pay fees for union representation even if they choose not to join the union. Do you support or oppose requiring all teachers to pay these fees even if they do not join the union?” The question was posed as part of a broader survey of public opinion on education topics which is scheduled for release by Education Next later this summer.

When it comes to agency fees, no less than 56% of the general public and 54% of public school teachers are opposed. Only 25% of the public and 37% of teachers favor collecting union dues from non-members. The remaining respondents say they neither support nor oppose the idea. To learn more, read “Both Teachers and the Public Back Janus Decision by Supreme Court” by Paul E. Peterson and Albert Cheng on EdNext.org.

—Education Next

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