Virtual Education and Common Core Standards

Education Next’s Paul Peterson and Chester E. Finn, Jr. talk this week  about whether common standards create economies of scale for virtual learning products.

Listen to the Podcast

Peterson and Finn’s previous podcasts:
Bang for the Buck from Race to the Top (6/16/10)
Teacher Bailout Bill, R.I.P.? (6/8/10)
Will the Common Core Standards Set the Bar High Enough? (5/12/10)
Why Is Race to the Top Rewarding States With Low Proficiency Standards? (5/3/10)
Do U.S. Students Spend Enough Time Learning?
Florida Governor Vetoes School Reform Bill
Will NCLB be reauthorized this year?
The New Normal for Federal Education Spending
Choice and Residential Segregation
Studies Find No Effects
Focus of School Reform Shifting to Teachers
Are Middle Schools or Middle Schoolers the Problem?
Biggest Spender in Politics: The NEA
Saving Jobs or Stimulating Reform?
Election Postmortem
Will Congress Reroute the Preschool Juggernaut?
Voters Choose Neighborhood Schools over Socioeconomic Diversity
The Nobel Committee Isn’t the Only One Giving Speculative Prizes
Will Michelle Rhee Triumph?
Will the Federal Role in Education Double?
Charter Schools Narrow Achievement Gaps in New York City (10/1/09)
What Congress Is Not Working On
Charter Schools, Unions, and Linking Teachers with Student Achievement Data

Last Updated


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