Behind the Headline: Common Core Grade Inflation

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Common Core Grade Inflation
US News Knowledge Bank blog | 11/10/15

Behind the Headline
So Far Only Ohio is Backing Off A High Standard for Proficiency
Education Next blog | 10/16/15

On the Knowledge Bank blog, AEI’s Jenn Hatfield and Max Eden argue that Ohio’s decision to lower its cut score for proficiency on the PARCC test is more likely to make the state a trailblazer than an outlier.

“Politicians in other PARCC states have every incentive to do what Ohio has done,” they note, which will limit the ability of the Common Core to facilitate cross-state comparability.

On the Ed Next blog, Mike Petrilli notes that, in lowering its cut scores, Ohio is a rare exception. “The rule is that states are moving aggressively—and impressively—in the direction of higher standards and more honest definitions of proficiency.”

—Education Next

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