We Want To Hear From You: Summer Reading Recommendations

Which education-related books are on your bedside table (or in your beach bag) this summer? Which books would you recommend to other Education Next readers?

Educators –are there any books that you think policy wonks really need to read?

What books would educators really benefit from reading?

Please leave your recommendations in the comments sections below.

To get you started, here are some 2012 books that have been reviewed in the magazine or on the blog this year:

Getting Smart: How Digital Learning Is Changing the World, by Tom Vander Ark

Shortchanging Student Achievement: The Educational, Economic, and Social Costs of Family Fragmentation, by Mitch Pearlstein

Republic of Noise: The Loss of Solitude in Schools and Culture, by Diana Senechal

You can also check out the list of books that took the top spots in our “Top Books of the Decade” poll (for books published between 2000 and 2010). Over 4000 votes were cast in that competition.

Or look over the list of books whose authors have been interviewed by Mike Petrilli for the Ed Next book club podcast.

Help us help you avoid summer learning loss!

-Education Next

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