In the News: California’s CORE Districts Joined Forces to Bolster Social-Emotional Development, But a Study Reveals Gaps in Learning

In California, 400,000 students in some of the state’s largest school districts have been filling out surveys to help researchers understand how social-emotional learning develops from 4th to 12th grade.

In the 74‘s LA School Report, Kate Stringer describes the research, some early findings, and the limitations of the project. Among the findings:

As they progress through school, students are getting better at believing they can master challenging subjects, but they are getting worse at managing their behavior and empathizing with others…

Girls’ self-confidence plummets as they enter middle school, while white students consistently report higher social-emotional learning than their non-white peers.

Susana Claro and Susanna Loeb wrote about one important finding of this research for the EdNext blog late last year: that students with a growth mindset learn more over the course of year than otherwise similar students who do not have a growth mindset.

Earlier, Martin West wrote about this research project, and considered whether non-cognitive skills should be included in school accountability systems.

— Education Next

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