In the News: Trump Considers Tax Credit to Channel Public Money to Private Schools

Earlier this week, Caitlin Emma of Politico reported that the Trump administration is considering a federal tax credit scholarship program to enable poor children to attend private schools.

feb2017-blog-ototn-trump-tax-credit-scholarship-program-politico-300She wrote

The federal tax credit proposal is one of several ideas under review by the White House to fulfill Donald Trump’s campaign promise to promote the expansion of charter schools and vouchers that would allow families of low income to use public money for private school tuition, sources tell POLITICO. During a recent meeting with parents and teachers at the White House, Trump said he wants “every single disadvantaged child in America, no matter what their background or where they live, to have a choice about where they go to school.”

A federal tax credit scholarship program could be part of a larger tax reform bill and pass through the budget reconciliation process with only 51 votes in the Senate. Delays in repealing Obamacare, however, are complicating Republican plans to push tax reform through Congress.

Mike Petrilli wrote about this possibility in “How Might Trump’s School Choice Plan Work?

Tom Carroll wrote in more detail about how a tax credit scholarship program could work in “A Federal Scholarship Tax Credit: The Only Fifty-State School-Choice Option.”

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