The 2018 EdNext poll finds a clear majority—57%—in favor of “a tax credit for individual and corporate donations that pay for scholarships to help low-income parents send their children to private schools.” Eighteen states have enacted tax-credit scholarship programs, which, depending on the state’s authorizing language, allow either individuals, corporations, or both to donate money to a foundation that provides scholarships to children from low-income families and receive a tax credit for most, if not all, of their contribution. Private schools tend to favor these programs, because they generally entail only limited state regulation of the schools. The programs also appeal to taxpayers, because the amount of money the state gives up in tax receipts is often less than the cost of educating a child in a public school. To learn more about 2018 EdNext poll findings on school choice and other topics, read the full poll essay here. Two interactive graphics are also available that explore the 2018 findings as well as trends in opinion over time.
— Education Next