EdNext Podcast: The Challenges of Implementing Tech-Based Personalized Learning

In this episode of the EdNext podcast, Michael Horn and Paul E. Peterson discuss the growth of personalized learning, how technology can help advance it, and how advances have been slowed by some technologies not working well with other technologies.

How do you integrate individualized online learning with group project-based learning, for instance? Some new networks of schools are attempting to do that by creating their own technologies. Will traditional public schools ever be able to do this?

Michael Horn is the author of “Moving Edtech Forward: School networks AltSchool and Summit are betting on a breakthrough,” in the Winter 2016 issue of Education Net.

In that article, he considers why some existing personalized learning technologies are underperforming and what some new school networks are doing differently. He writes

With schools now designing and building technology, the odds are better that we’ll see some technology breakthroughs that will help educators everywhere to rethink school.

In the podcast, Peterson and Horn also discuss some issues raised in their article “The Ideal Blended Learning Combination: Is one-third computer time about right?” In that article, they found that the public generally thinks that “the right way to blend computer time and teacher time is to give the computer about 30 percent, or about one-third, of the school day.”

The EdNext Podcast is available on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher and here every Wednesday.

—Education Next

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