EdNext Podcast: President Obama and the Scrambled Politics of Federal Education Policy

Eric Hanushek talks with Paul E. Peterson about President Obama’s education legacy.

Should President Obama take pride in his accomplishments in education? Is the Every Student Succeeds Act a sign that Congress endorses his policies? Or is it an attempt by Congress to repudiate what President Obama and his Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, have been doing for eight years? How effective have President Obama and Arne Duncan been as spokesmen for education reform? What does it mean that test scores have not risen much during the time of Obama’s presidency? What should we make of the fact that, under our last Republican president we saw a great deal of federal intervention in education policy and now, under a Democratic administration, we have a law that returns much of education policymaking to the states?

The EdNext Podcast is available on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher and here every Wednesday.

—Education Next

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