Best and Worst for K-12 Education in 2010

The Koret Task Force on K-12 Education, based at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, today released its list of the best and worst developments of 2010 for K-12 education.

The Best:

1. Release of high-profile movies that illuminate America’s education crisis and failure, especially Waiting for Superman, as well as The Lottery and The Cartel.

2. Los Angeles Times publishes teacher evaluations based on test scores.

3. Ratification of the Washington, DC, teachers’ union contract.

4. The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) published “Achievement Effects of Four Early Elementary School Math Curricula: Findings for First and Second Graders,” as well as first-year findings of an ongoing study of professional development for middle-school math teachers.

The Worst:

1.Stimulus dollars for education were mainly spent on avoiding layoffs.

2. Adrian Fenty lost the DC mayoral primary, followed by the departure of schools chancellor Michelle Rhee.

3. Governor Charlie Crist’s veto of the Florida tenure reform bill.

4. The demise of the District of Columbia opportunity scholarship program.

Best and Worst:

1. “Race to the Top”

Check out the Koret Task Force’s website for an explanation of the the choices.

The members of the Koret Task force are Williamson Evers, Chester Finn, John Chubb, Eric Hanushek, Paul Hill, Caroline Hoxby, Tom Loveless, Terry Moe, Paul Peterson, Herb Walberg, and Russ Whitehurst.

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