On Top of the News
Washington Charter School Law Ruled Unconstitutional by State’s High Court
Wall Street Journal | 9/5/15
Behind the Headline
Charter Schools: Taking Stock
Education Next blog| 8/27/15
The Washington Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the state’s charter-school law is unconstitutional. The court said that charter schools are not “common” schools under the state’s Constitution because they are controlled by a charter board rather than by local voters.
In “Charter Schools: Taking Stock,” Chester E. Finn, Jr. and Bruno Manno wrote about the state of the charter school movement last month.
Paul Peterson looked at the forces resisting charter schools in an earlier piece for Ed Next called “Charter Schools Survive a Biting ‘Rain of Terror’”
In “Charter Politics,” Christiana Stoddard and Sean Corcoran look at why some states are more hospitable to charter schools than other states.
– Education Next