Behind the Headline: Voucher Bill on Hold in N.J.

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Voucher Bill on Hold in N.J.
06/21/10 | The Wall Street Journal

Behind the Headline
St. Louis Blues
Winter 2008 | Education Next

A New Jersey tax credit program that would provide as many as 20,000 poor students with vouchers to attend private schools is stuck in the Democratic-controlled legislature, the Wall Street Journal reports. An article by Wilbur Rich that appeared in the Winter 2008 issue of Ed Next took a close look at the political debate over a tax credit bill in Missouri. “The legislation had the initial support of a broad coalition of Republicans and Democrats, blacks and whites,” Rich writes. “Not surprisingly, the teachers unions mounted a vigorous campaign against the bill. Under that pressure, the tuition grant coalition fell apart during the legislative process, revealing sharp divisions within the ranks of blacks and Republicans.”

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