Behind the Headline: U.S. Faults State’s Progress on Race to the Top Goals

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U.S. Faults State’s Progress on Race to the Top Goals
New York Times 1/10/12

Behind the Headline
Assessing New York’s Commissioner of Education
Education Next | Summer 2011

The U.S. Department of Education has notified New York that it could lose some of its Race to the Top funds if it does not comply with the goals it set when it applied for the funds.  In its application, the state promised to develop a new teacher evaluation system and the state’s teachers union leader signed on to the plan, but now teachers unions in many school districts are refusing to cooperate with these efforts. Peter Meyer wrote about how New York developed its winning Race to the Top application–and how the union was brought on board–in an article appearing in the Summer 2011 issue of Ed Next.

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