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In Missouri, Race Complicates a Transfer to Better Schools
8/1/13 | New York Times
Behind the Headline
The Elephant in the Classroom
Winter 2013| Education Next
In Missouri, where the state Supreme Court this spring upheld a law allowing students from failing school districts to transfer to better school districts, many parents and administrators in the receiving districts are not so happy. In the St. Louis area, school districts tend to be divided along racial lines, and a New York Times reporter covering the story of the transfers heard from white parents in receiving districts who expressed concern that troublemakers will be among the transfers, and that teachers may have to slow down to allow the students from struggling districts, which are predominantly black, to catch up.
In an article that appeared in the Winter 2013 issue of Ed Next, Jennifer Stillman wrote about some of the culture clashes and misunderstandings experienced by students and parents in schools enrolling students from diverse backgrounds.
-Education Next