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How Scalia’s Death May Grant Public-Sector Unions A Reprieve
Huffington Post | 2/13/16
Behind the Headline
Teachers Unions At Risk of Losing ‘Agency Fees’
Education Next | Winter 2016
The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia could impact the court’s ruling in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association this term, notes Dave Jamieson on Huffington Post.
Court-watchers had speculated that the court might grant public-sector workers the right to opt out of paying agency fees to unions this June, with Scalia joining the four other conservative justices to overturn an older case, Abood v. Detroit Board of Education. Now the justices seem more likely to split 4-4 along political lines, which would mean that the lower court’s ruling, in favor or the California Teachers Union, would stand.
Mike Antonucci wrote about the Friedrichs case in the Winter 2016 issue of Education Next.
Joshua Dunn described and analyzed oral arguments in the case here.
— Education Next