Behind the Headline: Does Khan Academy Help Kids Learn Math?

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Does Khan Academy Help Kids Learn Math?
3/7/14 | edSurge

Behind the Headline
Can Khan Move the Bell Curve to the Right?
Spring 2012 | Education Next

SRI has published a detailed report on how schools are using Khan Academy videos for their math classes. As described by Tony Wan on edSurge, the study covers nine sites and twenty schools over two school years (2011 to 2013) and was funded by the Gates Foundation. Because Khan Academy was not implemented in the same way across all of the sites and was not used as the primary source of math instruction, it is hard to identify the effects of the program, but the report looks closely at how the program was implemented in different places and at the challenges that teachers faced.

June Kronholz took Ed Next readers inside schools in Los Altos, Calif. that were using Khan Academy materials to boost math instruction in a feature story in the Spring 2012 issue of the magazine.

-Education Next

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