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Differentiation is the New Diversity
The American Thinker | 07/29/11
Behind the Headline
All Together Now?
Education Next | Winter 2011
In The American Thinker, Malcolm Unwell takes aim at differentiated instruction. “Perhaps there is a student who is just learning English in your class. And perhaps that student sits next to another who wants to have an in-depth discussion about Shakespeare. Should these two students prove difficult to teach at once, a normal person might consider what the root problem is — that they shouldn’t be in the same class. But the wise education bureaucrat knows that any problem here must be the teacher’s — he must not have differentiated his instruction enough.” In the Winter 2011 issue of Ed Next, Mike Petrilli took a close look at a school that has been praised for its success in differentiating instruction.
HT: Joanne Jacobs