On Top of the News
Cuomo Vows to Defend Charter Schools, Setting Up Another Battle With de Blasio
3/4/14 | New York Times
Behind the Headline
Will Mayor de Blasio Turn Back the School Reform Clock?
Spring 2014 | Education Next
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo joined a rally in Albany organized by charter school parents and students who are upset about New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s recent moves against charters. Last week de Blasio announced that he would prevent three Success Academy charter schools from using space in traditional school buildings. As reported in the New York Times, Cuomo promised to ensure that charter schools have the “financial capacity and physical space and government support to thrive and to grow.”
Another article in the New York Times looks at the antagonism between Mayor de Blasio and Eva Moskowitz, the founder of Success Academy Charter Schools.
Peter Meyer writes about Bill de Blasio and his views on charter schools in the latest issue of Ed Next.
-Education Next