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Better Pay, Fairer Pensions for Los Angeles Teachers
9/5/13 | Los Angeles Daily News
Behind the Headline
Fixing Teacher Pensions
Fall 2011| Education Next
In the Los Angeles Daily News, Marcus Winters and Josh McGee argue that districts should change the way they compensate teachers. They describe how school districts could give teachers significant raises by shifting more compensation to take-home salaries, away from deferred compensation, to more closely match what is commonly offered in the private sector. Their proposal is explained in more detail in a new report published by the Manhattan Institute, “Better Pay, Fairer Pensions: Reforming Teacher Compensation.”
Bob Costrell, Mike Podgursky, and Christian Weller debated how to fix teacher pensions in the pages of Ed Next in “Fixing Teacher Pensions: Is it enough to adjust existing plans?”
-Education Next