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Backers of Parent Trigger Law Score Victory in Court
Los Angeles Times| July 25, 2012
Behind the Headline
Not Your Mother’s PTA
Education Next | Winter 2012
In California, a judge has ruled that once parents have enough signatures to move forward under the state’s “parent trigger” law to convert a school into a charter school, the school district may not turn back the action. In the case, the school district had claimed that parents had changed their minds and wanted to rescind their signatures on the petition. However, the parent trigger law does not allow parents to rescind their signatures, the court ruled. The law explicitly states that parents “shall be free from … being encouraged to revoke their signatures on a petition.” In the Winter 2012 issue of Ed Next, Bruno Manno wrote about the growing number of advocacy groups that empower parents to take active roles in promoting school improvement in their communities, including Parent Revolution, which has helped California parents organize to pull the “parent trigger.”
-Education Next