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An Industry of Mediocrity
10/21/13 | New York Times
Behind the Headline
A New Type of Ed School
Fall 2012 | Education Next
In the New York Times, Bill Keller writes about the shortcomings of schools of education and describes the efforts of Deborah Kenny, the founder of the Harlem Village Academies charter schools, to build a graduate education school that will be integrated with her K-12 campuses in Harlem. “It will join a young cottage industry of experimental teacher training,” Keller writes. He continues
Raising up the standards of our university programs should be an urgent priority. But one reason for the widespread mediocrity is that universities have had a cozy, lucrative monopoly. It’s about time the leaders of our education schools did feel threatened.
In the Fall 2012 issue of Ed Next, June Kronholz wrote about the innovative teacher training program at the Relay Graduate School of Education.
In the Summer 2013 issue, Meredith Liu wrote about how online teacher training programs were beginning to disrupt the traditional landscape of teacher training.
Also in the Summer 2013 issue, Kate Walsh analyzed why ed schools haven’t been giving teachers the tools they need.
-Education Next