Behind the Headline: Teachers Unions Are Putting Themselves On November’s Ballot

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Teachers Unions Are Putting Themselves On November’s Ballot
10/14/14 | Time

Behind the Headline
The Long Reach of Teachers Unions
Fall 2010 | Education Next

Teachers unions are spending big in this year’s midterm elections, reports Haley Sweetland Edwards in Time.  She writes

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest teachers union, is on track to spend between $40 million and $60 million this election cycle, while the smaller American Federation of Teachers (AFT) plans to pony up an additional $20 million—more than the organization has spent on any other past cycle, including high-spending presidential election years.

An analysis conducted by Mike Antonucci for Education Next in 2010 found that teachers unions in five states spent more than $100 per teacher on political advocacy.

– Education Next

H/T: This Week in Education

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