On Top of the News
Principals’ Group Latest to Criticize Value Added for Teacher Evaluations
12/3/14 | Teacher Beat
Behind the Headline
Climate Change and Value-Added: New Evidence Requires New Thinking
10/24/13 | Education Next blog
The National Association of Secondary School Principals has given preliminary approval to a resolution against the use of value-added analysis to evaluate teachers. The group argues against using test score data to measure teacher quality now because scores on new Common Core-aligned tests are likely to be lower than scores on older tests which were easier. The group also cites research critical of value-added measures but does not mention research that supports the use of such measures, notes Stephen Sawchuk on Teacher Beat.
On the Ed Next blog, Tom Kane explains what the research really shows about the strengths and weaknesses of value-added analysis.
In “Choosing the Right Growth Measure,” from the Spring 2014 issue of Education Next, Mark Ehlert, Cory Koedel, and Mike Podgursky evaluate different methods of analyzing gains in student achievement.
-Education Next