Behind the Headline: NCAA Bans Coursework Completed by Athletes in 24 K12 Inc. Virtual Schools

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NCAA Bans Coursework Completed by Athletes in 24 K12 Inc. Virtual Schools
4/23/14 | Ed Week

Behind the Headline
For Education Entrepreneurs, Innovation Yields High Returns
Spring 2014 | Education Next

Students attending two dozen virtual schools run by K12 will not be able to count the courses they take at those schools toward NCAA eligibility, the NCAA has decided. The schools affected include both online-only schools and blended learning schools. This means that high school athletes wishing to to participate in sports at Division 1 or Division 2 universities will not be able to attend those two dozen schools.

Ron Packard, the founder of K12, was one of the education entrepreneurs profiled in the Spring 2014 issue of Education Next.

-Education Next

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