Behind the Headline: How Much Do We Spend on Education?

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How Much Do We Spend on Education?
10/6/14 |

Behind the Headline
No Common Opinion on the Common Core
Winter 2015 | Education Next

“In poll after poll, Americans vastly underestimate per-pupil education funding and overall school spending,” writes Nathan Benefield on And surveys have found that support for increased education spending drops when voters learn how much we currently spend. Benefield goes on to consider why voters don’t have a better idea of how much is spent on their local schools.

An analysis of public opinion on school funding, and how views change when citizens are given information about actual spending levels, can be found in this year’s Education Next poll.

In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Paul Peterson looks at why it is so popular for politicians to call for more spending on schools.

-Education Next

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