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What MIT Learned from a Mongolian Teenager Who Aced a MOOC
4/23/14 | Slate
Behind the Headline
MOOCs for High School
Summer 2014 | Education Next
When he was 15 years old, Battushig Myanganbayar got a perfect score on MIT’s first MOOC, a free online course on circuits and electronics. After that, leaders of edX, the consortium started by MIT and Harvard University to develop MOOCs, offered the Mongolian student a job, hoping he could help them make MOOCs work better for other high school students. On Slate, Jeffrey Young tells the story of the prodigy and the ways he helped MIT improve its online programming.
In an article in the Summer 2014 issue of Education Next, Michael Horn writes about the challenges of making MOOCs work for high school students.
-Education Next