Behind the Headline: Common Core Math Can Be A Mystery, and Parents Are Going To School To Understand It

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Common Core Math Can Be A Mystery, and Parents Are Going To School To Understand It
11/2/14 | Washington Post

Behind the Headline
The Common Core Math Standards
Summer 2012| Education Next

The Washington Post ran a front-page story on Sunday about the struggles of parents to understand Common Core math. The article, by Lyndsey Layton, describes efforts by teachers and schools across the country to help parents understand why the math homework their kids are bringing home is so different from the math they learned.

“From New York to California, school districts are holding special math sessions for parents and caregivers, sending home ‘cheat sheets’ and offering homework hotlines answered by math teachers, all in an effort to explain and demystify the new approach,” she writes.

In the Summer 2012 issue of Ed Next, two math experts debated whether the Common Core math standards are a step forward or a step backward from the math standards they replaced.

-Education Next

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