Patrick J. Wolf
Dr. Patrick J. Wolf is Professor and 21st Century Chair in School Choice in the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas College of Education and Health Professions. He also is principal investigator of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program impact evaluation through a contract with the U.S. Department of Education (subcontract with Westat), and is leading a national research team conducting an independent longitudinal multi-method evaluation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. Dr. Wolf has authored, co-authored, or co-edited two books and more than two dozen articles and book chapters on school choice, special education, public management, and campaign finance. Wolf has designed, managed, and published the results from education studies that employ a wide variety of research methods including experimental, quasi-experimental, meta-analytical, and qualitative investigation techniques. A 1987 graduate of the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN), he received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard in 1995.