EdStat: 56 percent of nonunion teachers say in the 2018 EdNext poll that unions have a positive impact on schools

New in the 2018 EdNext poll is a breakdown of teacher respondents that shows sharp differences between union and nonunion members on certain issues. The degree to which union and nonunion public-school teachers differ in their opinions depends on the issue in question. When given the arguments on both sides before being asked whether unions have a positive or negative impact on schools, 56% of nonunion teachers say they have a positive impact, compared to 77% of union teachers. Union members are also at least 20 percentage points more likely to support increasing school spending, higher teacher salaries, and giving teachers tenure. Meanwhile, nonunion members are at least 20 percentage points more likely to support annual testing in reading and math, charter schools, and universal school vouchers. To learn more about these findings and others from 2018, read the full poll essay here. Two interactive graphics are also available that explore the 2018 findings as well as trends in opinion over time.

— Education Next

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