What We’re Watching: Race, Social Justice and School Reform at AEI

On January 25, 2017 AEI hosted a discussion of race, social justice, and school reform.


Elisa Villanueva Beard, Teach for America
Derrell Bradford, NYCAN
Stacey Childress, NewSchools Venture Fund
Jason Crye, Hispanics for School Choice
Howard Fuller, Marquette University
Frederick M. Hess, AEI
Robert Pondiscio, Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Nina Rees, National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
Marilyn Rhames, Education Post
Gerard Robinson, AEI
Andy Smarick, AEI
Chris Stewart, Education Post

This event was a collaboration between the American Enterprise Institute, NewSchools Venture Fund, and Education Next that was inspired by a forum in Education Next titled “Education reform’s race debate.”

More information about the event is available here.

—Education Next

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