In this video, Mike Feinberg, co-founder of KIPP Public Charter Schools, discusses “cage-busting leadership” and how to empower principals to be leaders.
The video accompanies Ed Next editor Rick Hess’s new book, Cage-Busting Leadership, which will be published on February 12. Education Next has just published an article based on the book, “Combating the Culture of Can’t”
As Rick explains in the book
I believe that two things are true. It is true, as would-be reformers often argue, that statutes, policies, rules, regulations, contracts, and case law make it tougher than it should be for school and system leaders to drive improvement and, well, lead. However, it is also the case that leaders have far more freedom to transform, reimagine, and invigorate teaching, learning, and schooling than is widely believed.
In the book, Rick talks with school leaders who have busted out of the cage.
An event to launch the book will be held at AEI on February 12.
More videos on cage-busting leadership can be found here.
—Education Next