What We’re Watching: ESEA Conference Committee Meeting

The joint conference committee to reauthorize ESEA met on Wednesday afternoon and will meet again on Thursday morning at 10:00 am. The committee meeting will be live-streamed here.

This chart created by Mike Petrilli shows what he has been able to glean as the elements of the compromise reached by lawmakers and staffers.

Alyson Klein of Politics K-12 has a longer writeup on the agreement here. And just as a reminder of where we are in the legislative process:

Lawmakers on the U.S. Senate education committee and more than a dozen House members met in a conference committee Wednesday to begin reconciling two bills—one a Republican-only measure that barely passed the U.S. House of Representatives in July, and the other a Senate version that cleared the U.S Senate with big, bipartisan support a few days later.

Even before the official start of the conference, the lead negotiators, Reps. John Kline, R-Minn., and Bobby Scott, D-Va., and Sens. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Patty Murray, D-Wash., came to a preliminary agreement or “framework” to jump-start negotiations. The agreement is not the final word, but it will help guide the conference process, which could conclude this week. The legislation is expected to be on the floor of both chambers shortly after the Thanksgiving recess. 


—Education Next

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