The Thomas B. Fordham Institute and 50CAN: The 50-State Campaign for Achievement Now are offering an online course called Education Policy 101. The application deadline to take the Spring 2016 course is March 11. (Click here for the application.)
As described on the course page
Education Policy 101 (Ed Policy 101) is an innovative online course that introduces participants to the key education policies that affect American K–12 students. It provides a comprehensive, non-ideological, research-based foundation for navigating current education-policy issues, such as school choice, teacher quality, education finance, early childhood education, and standards and accountability. Readings and videos for the course were assembled and prepared by leading education experts, including Martin West (Harvard Graduate School of Education), Tom Loveless (Brookings Institution), Patrick Wolf (University of Arkansas), Dan Goldhaber (Center for Education Data & Research), Marguerite Roza (Georgetown University), Gail Joseph (University of Washington), Paul Hill (Center on Reinventing Public Education), Patrick McGuinn (Drew University), and Chester E. Finn, Jr. (Thomas B. Fordham Institute).
More information about the course is available here.
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