What We’re Watching: Education for Upward Mobility Event

On Tuesday, March 15 at 4:00 pm, the Hoover Institution and the Fordham Institute will host an event to discuss a new book that looks at the role schools can play in helping low-income children advance in life.

The book, Education for Upward Mobility: The Reform Conservative’s Education Agenda, is edited by Mike Petrilli.

According to the event page

Of course more young Americans need better education in order to succeed. But what kind of education: Is the goal “college for all”? What do we mean by “college”? Do our young people mostly need a strong foundation in academics? What about so-called “non-cognitive” skills? Should technical education make a comeback?

More information about the event, including a place to watch the event as it live streams, is here.

—Education Next

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