What We’re Watching: AEI Event on Brown v. Board of Education II 60 Years Later

On Tuesday, Nov. 3, from 9 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. AEI hosted three panel discussions on school integration on the 60th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1955 Brown v. Board of Education II ruling.

As the event page notes

The Supreme Court’s 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education declared “separate but equal” unconstitutional in public education. The court also stated in Brown v. Board of Education II in 1955 that the integration would proceed “with all deliberate speed,” affirming its 1954 decision and signaling that state and local education officials needed to work with federal judges to manage integration of public schools.

You can watch the live feed of the event here.

In an Education Next forum published in 2010, two experts on desegregation considered whether desegregation efforts have fulfilled their promise and what role desegregation should play today.

Susan Eaton, research director at the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School, made the case for refocusing school reform on creating integrated schools.

Steven Rivkin, professor of economics at Amherst College, questioned a focus on desegregation and pointed out complexities to the issue that researchers have barely begun to examine.

—Education Next

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