What We’re Listening To: Rethinking Standardized Testing

Radio host Diane Rehm hosted a discussion of the role of standardized testing on her NPR show last week.

Guests were:

•Anya Kamenetz education reporter for NPR and author of “The Test: Why Our Schools Are Obsessed with Standardized Testing – But You Don’t Have to Be”
•Elaine Weiss national coordinator of the Broader Bolder Approach to Education
•Matthew Chingos senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and research director of its Brown Center on Education Policy
•Chanelle Hardy senior vice president for policy and executive director of the National Urban League Washington Bureau

Earlier this month Ed Next published “Why Annual Statewide Testing Is Critical to Judging School Quality,” by Matt Chingos and Marty West and “Testing Costs a Drop in the Bucket,” by Matt Chingos.

– Education Next

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